# turtle graphics FORWARD = forward|fd BACKWARD = back|bk TURNLEFT = left|turnleft|lt TURNRIGHT = right|turnright|rt PENUP = penup|pu PENDOWN = pendown|pd HOME = home POINT = point CIRCLE = circle ELLIPSE = ellipse SQUARE = square RECTANGLE = rectangle LABEL = label PENCOLOR = pencolor|pencolour|linecolor|pc ANY = any PENWIDTH = pensize|penwidth|linewidth PENSTYLE = penstyle|linestyle PENJOINT = penjoint|linejoint NONE = none BEVEL = bevel MITER = miter ROUNDED = round SOLID = solid DASH = dashed DOTTED = dotted CLOSE = close FILL = fill FILLCOLOR = fillcolor|fillcolour|fc FILLSTYLE = fillstyle FONTCOLOR = fontcolor|textcolor|textcolour FONTHEIGHT = fontsize|textsize|textheight FONTWEIGHT = fontweight FONTSTYLE = fontstyle BOLD = bold ITALIC = italic UPRIGHT = upright|normal NORMAL = normal FONTFAMILY = fontfamily CLEARSCREEN = clearscreen|cs TEXT = text HIDETURTLE = hideturtle|ht|hideme SHOWTURTLE = showturtle|st|showme POSITION = position|pos|setpos HEADING = heading|setheading|seth PAGESIZE = pagesize GROUP = picture|pic # control structures TO = to END = end STOP = stop REPEAT = repeat|forever REPCOUNT = repcount BREAK = break CONTINUE = continue WHILE = while FOR = for IN = in IF = if OUTPUT = output LEFTSTRING = “|‘ RIGHTSTRING = ”|’ TRUE = true FALSE = false NOT = not AND = and OR = or INPUT = input PRINT = print SLEEP = sleep GLOBAL = global # functions RANDOM = random INT = int FLOAT = float STR = str SQRT = sqrt SIN = sin COS = cos ROUND = round ABS = abs COUNT = count SET = set RANGE = range LIST = list TUPLE = tuple SORTED = sorted RESUB = sub RESEARCH = search REFINDALL = findall MIN = min MAX = max PI = pi|π # measurement DECIMAL = . DEG = ° HOUR = h MM = mm CM = cm PT = pt INCH = in|" # color codes INVISIBLE = invisible BLACK = black SILVER = silver GRAY = gray|grey WHITE = white MAROON = maroon RED = red PURPLE = purple FUCHSIA = fuchsia|magenta GREEN = green LIME = lime OLIVE = olive YELLOW = yellow NAVY = navy BLUE = blue TEAL = teal AQUA = aqua|cyan PINK = pink TOMATO = tomato ORANGE = orange GOLD = gold VIOLET = violet SKYBLUE = skyblue CHOCOLATE = chocolate BROWN = brown # messages LIBRELOGO = LibreLogo ERROR = Error (in line %s) ERR_ZERODIVISION = Division by zero. ERR_NAME = Unknown name: ‘%s”. ERR_ARGUMENTS = %s takes %s arguments (%s given). ERR_BLOCK = Error (extra or missing spaces at brackets?) ERR_KEY = Unknown element: %s ERR_INDEX = Index out of range. ERR_STOP = Program terminated: ERR_MAXRECURSION = maximum recursion depth (%d) exceeded. ERR_MEMORY = not enough memory. ERR_NOTAPROGRAM = Do you want to run this text document?